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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.


Welcome to Minchau School

September, 2024

Welcome to Minchau School!

Here at Minchau we are cultivating a community of kindness and belonging through strong relationships with families, students and staff.  We strive to cultivate, innovate and grow together to ensure that all families feel welcome and connected to our school family.  We focus on literacy and numeracy through an inclusive lens at Minchau.

Please feel free to contact me by email at kirstin.johns-bell@epsb.ca  or by calling the school this year at 780-461-0616. I welcome any questions or ideas you would like to share. I look forward to meeting you all this year!

Kirstin Johns-Bell




If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school.

If you have questions about registering, contact the school office.


You will need to pre-enrol on SchoolZone to tell us the school you’d like your child to attend next year. Find important dates and deadlines and learn more about pre-enrolment, which opens at 8 a.m. on February 3.


KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE - Wednesday, February 19 from 4:00pm -5:00pm